Get To Know Me

Hello, there people of the internet. Welcome. I am Tessa Liviana, and this is my blog, The Light We Lost (deep title right?). Now you may be wondering who is Tessa Liviana? or you may not care, and thats fine too. No matter what you think I am still making this section (SORRY). Here we go, DRUM ROLL PLEASE (*hits table like it’s a drum*) Tada!:

  • I LOVE to read. It is one of my favorite things to do. When I find a good book, you won’t see me till I’m done with it. It’s not uncommon for me to stay up till 3 in the morning reading. I read lots of fiction, romance, and fantasy (If you have any book suggestions for me, I would LOVE TO HEAR THEM!)
  • I love playing volleyball. I find much joy in playing. I am going into my second year now, and even though I am not that good, I love playing and I love winning! 🙂
  • I like writing. I have many stories in my head and not enough time to write them down. I mainly write novels, but I have done some poetry (it’s not too good). Most of my stories are about fantasy places of a society hidden behind our own. (SIDE NOT: I will be sharing some of my writing)
  • I love art. I mainly draw. I often get photos off the internet, then I print them off in black in white to then color in. I prefer pencils, but pens are not bad. I like drawing my characters from my stories. I also like to design outfits.
  • I also love to take photos. I have a camera and I swear I have like a thousand photos on there, and I recently got it. One day want to create a wall where I put photos I have taken or drawn and then I just make a huge collage!
  • Finally random fact time: 13 years old, tall (A FREAKING MOUNTAIN), older sister, animal lover, hates heat and professional procrastinator.

Thanks so much, please if you have any question or comment about this or feel that I missed something just tell me in the comments. Till we meet again -Tessa L.